
Welcome to dptr on neocities! This is a personal site where I showcase art, characters, and more for Departure, the story for my main OCs. While this site is coded to be mobile responsive, I think it's best viewed on desktop. (Some things may look a bit broken on mobile, sorry!)

Departure is a story I have been working on as a hobby and passion project since 2016. Simply put, it's a story about friends and finding your place in the world.

You can read the story and lore page for more detailed information on the setting and story.


  • may 29 2024 - It's been forever since the last update, I know! My personal life has been getting in the way... I don't have any new art to share with you, but I have created a strawpoll where you can vote for who your favorite character is! I have allowed comments too, so you can explain if you'd like.
  • nov 1 2023 - I added some art to one of the galleries (as I tend to do silently) but I also removed the AO3 link from the sidebar as I don't think I'd want to do any writing anymore.
  • oct 7 2023 - Added some art to the character profiles, hopefully this should break up the big blocks of text and make things a bit easier to read (and look nicer!)
  • sept 28 2023 - First blog post for this site! It's a post asking for feedback on some stuff so I would really appreciate it if you read it and gave me your thoughts!
  • jun 1 2023 - It's been a while since I started... but character profiles have finally been rewritten! Specifically, I've rewritten most stuff and added a backstory section. Hopefully this is an improvement to what they were like before ^_^
  • apr 4 2023 - I've added a little bit more art recently, plus I've posted my first blog post! If you have suggestions or any thoughts you wanna send me I'd love to hear them!
  • mar 16 2023 - Lore page finally added! Hopefully the wording makes sense and isn't too weird. I also changed the relationships sections to have more info and be easier to read.
  • mar 15 2023 - New link added to the sidebar! I've made a sideblog dedicated to my ocs. There I plan on posting doodles and ramblings and more, as well as accepting asks and stuff.
  • feb 19 2023 - I've gotten rid of the carousels after some feedback and after figuring out how to make adding new art easier with the way I had it before.
  • feb 17 2023 - Cumbersome thumbnail grid galleries are now carousels instead! I might do this for character page galleries too.
  • jan 27 2023 - Added a few more drawings to Ximena's page, now everyone has a fairly equal amount :)
  • jan 24 2023 - Added the bonus galleries to character profiles! It's where I post doodles, sketches, and other drawings I wouldn't put on the main gallery.
  • jan 12 2023 - Official launch of the big update! I'm super super excited to put this out and I hope you enjoy! ^_^


Ximena Castro

An abrasive young lady with strange psychic powers.

Forrest Gardner

A kind young man who likes nature, music, and his cat.

Junko Inoue

An airheaded and adventurous psychic medium.

Mortimer Mikansky

A shy former prince who finds difficulties in socializing.

Tatyana Belyakova

A lady of noble birth and Mortimer's betrothed.